The Facts About Computer Literacy in America

Who has Minimal Access to Computer Technology?

*Linguistic minorities.
*The economically disadvantaged.
*Latino, Native American and African American groups.
*People living in rural and low income areas.
*Physically and mentally disabled.


Benefits of Computer Literacy in ABE Programs:


  • Economic mobility.
  • Higher self-esteem and confidence.
  • Better communication of 'self.'
  • Better Job Opportunities.


  • Lower welfare rolls.
  • Lower crime rates.
  • Higher tax revenues.





Census Bureau Statistical Facts: Home Computer Access by Adults



  • 50.9% of adults with a household income of >$50,000/year have home computer access.
  • 18.1% of adults with household income of <$25,000/year have home computer access.


  • 8.4% of adults with an educational level of less than high school GED have home computer access.
  • 62.4% of adults with an educational level of at least a Bachelor's degree have home computer access.