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Sistah Vegan Anthology Submission Guidelines:

EXTENDED DEADLINE: January 1, 2007

This anthology is still accepting materials. I have received many wonderful poems and narrative pieces. Many of the sistah vegans reflect on how veganism has helped them transition into a healthier lifestyle. Wonderful stories recount how many ladies were able to resist diabetes, hypertension, obesity that had plagued their families. I am searching for Black identified females/females of the African Diaspora who practice Veganism to share their stores in an anthology I would like to put together. Please feel free to submit a piece, regardless of the fact that you may not practice veganism 100% of the time. Those who are making a conscious effort to engage in veganism most of the time are invited to contribute to this project. I understand that each person engaged in practicing veganism is at a different level (from fruitarian to raw to cooked to a vegan who occasionally engages in a vegetarian diet). Please do not feel that you cannot contribute to the project if, for instance, you have a vegan diet but may wear an old pair of leather shoes or have had honey a few times this year. I am looking for, visual artwork, poetry, photography, personal narratives, creative stories or critical essays about reflections on veganism. Children are also strongly encouraged to participate.

I am now extending the anthology deadline but need to receive materials that also reflect on other diverse analysis on/experiences with veganism. Yes, the HEALTH issue is important and will be included in the anthology but I do want to expand on veganism and look at other issues as well, from a Black identified female perspective.

I am going to section the anthology into these major topics:

  1. Health (Mental and Physical) and Veganism
  2. Environmental sustainability/Overcomsumption/Ecology/Animal Rights and Veganism
  3. Social Justice/Activism/Anti-homophobia activism/Anti-Racism/Effects of Systematic Whiteness on Veganism/Foodways/Anti-Sexism/Classism/ and Veganism
  4. Body Issues/Weight Discriminations/Reflections on a “Fat Hating USA Culture” and Veganism
  5. Religion/Spirtuality and Veganism
  6. Pregnancy/Parenting/Adoption and Veganism
  7. Veganism and Womanism/Feminism


This is a work in progress and I didn't know what I would need until I got the pieces and started going through and realized a large majority are focusing on health which is great! I just need more sections to make the vegan experience multi-facted. Please look below for some suggestions to help you with topics 1 through 7:

Ø      Reflections on veganism advertised as a great way to drop weight. What does it mean to sistahs when most advertisements for veganism/ vegan products show white thin bodies, particularly when the Black Community has historically/traditionally viewed full size women as “healthy” and “beautiful”?

Ø      Connecting veganism to bell hooks theories on Decolonization.

Ø      Reflections and/or critical analysis on Mrs. Coretta Scott King and her choice to practice veganism.

Ø      The unethical treatment of and lack of compassion towards non-human animals and how this is connected to the same mentality that perpetuates racism, neo-colonialism, environmental racism, nationalism, etc.

Ø      Reproductive health and veganism.

Ø      Are you a child or teenager that is practicing veganism?

Ø      Reflections/analysis on dating as a vegan.

Ø      Choosing Veganism and organic fair trade consumption because of its links to ecological harmony.

Ø      Critical reflection of literature that helped to guide you towards a vegan lifestyle. For example:

o       Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust

o       The Dreaded Comparison: Human and Animal Slavery by Marjorie Spiegel

o       Queen Afua's literature: Sacred Woman and Heal Thyself for Life and Longevity

o       Vegan Ethics by Erik Marcus

o       Literature by Alice Walker

Ø      Are you raising vegan children? What are the difficulties you have experienced with going to doctors, family gatherings, birthday parties, school meals?

Ø      What have your experiences been with finding a doctors/or doctors that respect your vegan lifestyle?

Ø      Connecting a memory of sexual harassment and linking it to the politics of meat and unethical dietary habits.

Ø      Is your dietary practice of veganism part of your religious or spiritual practice?

Ø      How do you feel about the socio-economic implications of the current access people have to vegan products? For instance, it has been argued that it is rare to find "healthy food providers" in low-income areas as well as Black communities. What are the implications of this?

Ø      Veganism in America is often associated with the White Middle Class. Much of this demographic are depicted as expressing their initial reason for converting to veganism is because of their beliefs in the ethical treatment of non-human animals. On the contrary, many Black identified women have stated that their initial reason for converting to veganism is because of "personal health reasons." Please reflect on this.

Ø      How do you practice veganism and other forms of ethical eating, if you are one of many people, who due to the lack of access to these products and/or a salary are unable to maintain this lifestyle, 100% of the time?

Ø      How do you feel about PETA and how they have used images of human suffering (African slavery, Jewish Holocaust, Native American genocide) to advocate for animals rights?

Ø      The pivotal moment you realized that your dietary habits potentially supported the very types of oppression you were struggling against.

Ø      Working class vegans have argued that warm winter vegan clothing is incredibly expensive. It has also been argued that the production of materials such as Gortex clothing is much more environmentally damaging than the making of down jacket. As a vegan, how do you negotiate this and situations like this?

Ø      Have you experienced being called "White" because of your vegan practices? What are the identity politics occurring within the vegan lifestyle of a Black identified woman?

Ø      What are the personal and community health consequences if a Black identified person actively opposes "veganism" strictly because he or she perceives it as "White" and has experienced "negative" situations with "Whiteness?" (I.E., institutionalized racism, White Privilege, etc)


All stories, critical analysis, poetry, and insights all welcome for submission, along with other creative formats you feel will allow your voice to be heard. If possible, stories and essays should be no more than 15 pp double spaced with 1" Margins. ***Please provide a short bio (No more than 1/2 page long) and contact info. Thanks and I look forward to connecting with my you through your writing and art. Please send 2 copies of your work to: 122 Oxford St., #5 , Cambridge MA 02140 USA. If you want me to mail your stuff back, send a SASE. If we would like to use your work in the anthology, we will then ask that you email us the soft copies, okay?

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