Breeze Harper's Thesis
Proposal Outline:
What are the challenges that
Black "technologically privileged" females encounter when using
technology to combat social injustice?
I. Introduction
A. What is the Digital Divide?
B. Explanation of Institutionalized Racism/Sexism
C. Explanation/introduction of Black Female Activism
(bell hooks, Patricia Hill Collins, Alice Walker, etc)
D. Explain how this thesis is an extension of your
final project from Spring 2005 fall term, "In Our Own Words: Challenges to
Black Female Leadership and Using Action Research to [Re-]Frame the
II. Conceptual Framework
A. Existing Literature
1. Digital Divide
a. The Digital Divide: Standing at the
Intersection of Race and Technology (book) by Raneta Lawson Mack.
b. "Cyber-Race" (article) by Jerry King.
Harvard Law Review. Vol 113:1130.
c. "Black Liberation and the Internet: A
Strategic Analysis." by Colin A. Beckles. Journal of Black Studies Vol 31:3 January 2001. 311-324.
d. Race, Rhetoric, and Technology: Searching for
Higher Ground (book) by Adam J. Banks.
2. Black females and challenges to leadership and/or
social justice activism
a. "In Our Own Words: Challenges to Black Female Leadership and Using
Action Research to [Re-]Frame the Questions." By Amie Louise Harper. This
paper can be found at
b. "Finding a Place in Cyberspace: Black Women,
Technology, and Identity." by Michelle Wright. Frontiers: 2005 Vol 26:1
c. "In Defense of Themselves: The Black
Student Struggle for Success and Recognition at Predominantly White Colleges
and Universities." By Joy Ann Williamson. The Journal of Negro Eduction, vol 68:1, Preparing Students for the New Millenium:
Exploring Factors that Contribute to the Successful Eduction of African
American Students (Winter, 1999), 92-105.
d. "Coping with the Unexpected: Black Faculty at
Predominantly White Institutions" by Bonita K. Butner et all. Journal
of Black Studies, Vol. 30: 3 (Jan
2000), 453-462.
e. "Introduction and Overview: New and
Continuing Challenges and Opportunities for Black Women in the Academy."
by Florence B. Bonner and Veronica G. Thomas. The Journal of Negro Education, Vol 70:3, Black Women in the Academy: Challenges
and Opportunities (Summer, 2001), 121-123.
f. Shifting: The Double Lives of Black Women
in America by Charisse Jones and Kumea Shorter, Ph.D. (book)
3. Leadership and Women
a. "A Re-articulation of Black Female
Community Leadership: Process, Networks and a Culture of Resistance." by
Beverlyn Lundy Allen, Ph.D., Sociologist, Department of Family, Youth and
Community Sciences, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of
b. Race, Gender, and Leadership: Re-Envisioning
Organizational Leadershhip From the Perspectives of African American Women
Executives (book) by Patricia S. Parker.
B. Personal Interests
1. My interests stem from working in technology
departments for the past eight years as a Black female.
2. I work at a non-profit that engages in social
activism and I have experienced the intersection of "White privilege"
and using technology for activism and want to future investigate my own
personal experiences as well as similar experiences from many of my Black
identified female friends who are
"technologically privileged" anengage in social activism using
3. I would like to:
a. *add to the burgeoning field of "White
Privilege Studies" by reframing common theories on the Digital Divide
b. *investigate why I have found that mainstream
Americans are convinced that equal access to technology for all will
"magically" cure legacies of imperialism and slavery, experienced by
a majority of Blacks as institutionalized racism.
III. Proposed
A. Research Goals/Questions
1. I want to understand why particular Black
college-educated females doing social activism with technology seem to
contradict the mainstream theories of Digital Divide and "technology
accessibility" as a "cure" to inequality for marginalized
2. I want to understand how I can move beyond the
Digital Divide discourse and look at technology access and social activism from
the perspective of a particular "technologically privileged" group of
Black females.
3. Is economic class the real reason there is a
Digital Divide? Why do Black college educated females with access to technology
still have challenges in being leaders in activism?
4. Will the women who will be part of my research
support or deconstruct the notion the abolishment of the Digital Divide is the
key to racial, gender and class equality?
5. How does institutionalized "White
privilege" re-shape theories about technology access when we look at
leadership and social activism among "privileged" Black American
B. Research Sites
1. Harvard University
2. Museum of Fine Art
3. Project Think Different
4. YouthBuild USA
6. Northeastern University
7. UC Santa Barbara Race and Technology Initiative
IV. Methods of Data Collection
A. Videotaping
B. Audio-Recording
C. Online Questionnaires
D. Informal dialogues/interviews with individual
Black women.
E. Focus Groups with the Black Females from the
May 4th gathering from In Our Own Words along with new people who didn't attend the first gathering. If the
technology is available, I would like to invite people to go on-line to
participate in a real-time streaming video or audio of the focus group. These
would be people that I can't have here because they live in another state.
F. I may also do a CFP from Black girls and
women who also want to write narratives about their challenges in using
technology for activism.
1. I can post my CFP on H-Net and similar sites
2. I can also send mass emails to non-profit
organization that engage in social justice activism as well as Blacks Studies
and Women's Studies departments.
V. Methods of Analysis
A. Single-Case Analysis of each of informal
dialogue/interviews with individual Black females.
B. Cross-Case Analysis.
VI. Validity Issues
A. 80% of my research "subjects" will be my
friends. I am not sure if this is a validity issues. If anything, maybe they'd
be more comfortable and honest with me because we're friends and have a shared
experience of being Black "technologically privileged"
college-educated women.
B. I will need more help with finding more validity
VII. Ethical Issues
A. I am not sure yet. Any suggestions?
VIII. Preliminary Findings
A. DebbieÕs Experiences. Debbie is as an art student who uses multimedia
technology in her artwork to combat institutionalized racism and similar forms
of oppression. Though she is computer literate and has access to multimedia
technology, she notes that she had to prove to her colleagues and professor why
her work is important; work that resists institutionalized oppression and gives
voice to unspoken atrocities that have occurred to Black Americans. Her
challenges of using technology as a tool for her art work and anti-racism are
quite fascinating. Mainly, being a Black woman in a program dominated by
Euro-Anglo centric perceptions of what art and technology should be used for.
Despite having broken through the Digital Divide, this obviously has not
been the Òmagical pillÓ to eliminate institutionalized racism, oblivion to
White Privilege, and similar. With this small finding, I would like to dig
deeper and ask why DebbieÕs Òperceived leadership capacityÓ is negatively
viewed by her White professors,
despite the fact that she is very technologically literate and college
educated. Why do her professors not support her use of technology/multimedia when she uses it to explore
critical race theory and Black Feminist theory? How does this re-frame the discourse around the Digital
Divide as the "cure-all" to social inequality in the USA?
B. MelanieÕs Experiences. From In Our Own Words gathering May 4th, Melanie, shared a narrative about
working at a non-profit with three other people. She worked for an organization
started by three White men who had been born into wealth. Melanie is a working class Black woman.
She described how easily the men got funding for the things they needed-
including technology- to start up a new Charter School. She explained that
these three men had a sense of "entitlement" which stemmed from White
and Male privilege. She explained to me that without a decent well written
proposal or coherent plan, these men were "showered" with resources
simply because of the perceptions philanthropists (who were mainly were White
at the time) have of the leadership potential of White men doing non-profit
work. She explained that if it had been four Black women who needed funding to
get the technology they needed to do their work, the outcome would have been very different. In other words, they would not have been
ÒshoweredÓ with resources.