1st Annual Sistah Vegan Conference- RECORDINGS NOW AVAILABLE
“Embodied and Critical Perspectives on Veganism by Black Women and Allies”
Date: This conference TOOK PLACE September 14, 2013
Location: Anymeeting.com to access the recordings. This conference has already taken place.
Recordings are $22.50
Conference Recordings: The entire conference was recorded, including the PowerPoints. Great for those who could not attend on September 14, 2013. Those who have already paid for the LIVE conference viewing will have access to the recordings, just log back into your Anymeeting account. If you didn't register for the LIVE conference and just want to purchase the recordings, option is available for $22.50.
Click here to register and listen/view the recordings
10:00 AM PST
Introduction: How Veganism is a Critical Entry Point to Discuss Social, Animal, and Environmental Justice Issues for Black Women and Allies. Speaker: TBD Length: 10 minutes
In this introduction to kick off the conference, the speaker will introduce how the concept of veganism can shed light on critical issues effecting Black girls and women in the USA. She will explain how veganism, as both method and philosophy, is an often overlooked perspective in a USA society that has normalized the exploitation and abuse of racialized minorities such as Black females, as well as the normalization of violence against the environment and non human animals used for human edification. This talk will be an introductory segue into the scheduled talks and discussions. It should hopefully open up innovative ideas by intersecting veganism, health activism, food politics, animal compassion, and anti racism into the lives of Black women and our allies. In addition, the speaker will introduce what is means to be an "ally" in the context of the Sistah Vegan Project.--------------------------------------------
10:15 AM PST
Keynote Talk: How Whiteness and Patriarchy Hurt Animals
Anastasia Yarbrough
Inner Activism Services
Length: 30 minutes (20 minute presentation; 10 minute Q&A)
10:50 AM PST
Presentation Title: PETA and the Trope of “Activism”: Naturalizing Postfeminism and Postrace Attitudes through Sexualized Bodied Protests
Aphrodite Kocięda
University of South Florida
Length: 30 minutes (20 minute presentation; 10 minute Q&A)
11:25 AM PST
Presentation Title: An Embodied Perspective on Redefining Healthy in a Cultural Context and Examining the Role of Sizeism in the Black Vegan Woman Paradigm
Nicola Norman, B.S. Nutritional Science
Baltimore, MD
Length: 30 minutes
This presentation takes a look at sizeism and how it affects attitudes in the Black community and the mainstream towards Black Vegan Women. Body Mass Indexes calibrated to white norms contribute to producing stigmas and increasing challenges to women whose bodies seem to exist at the intersection of social and cultural pressures/expectations. How big our hips, buttocks, and thighs are, are constantly being put under a microscope by family, friends, community, and the bigger society that we live in. This may be affecting Black women on the fence about trying veganism for its health benefits or deter them already due to these pressurized standards. Black vegan women of all sizes are often chastised for not meeting those standards. Black female bodies are very commonly exoticized in society. I will give examples of this and look at how sizeism is many times at the crux of this. Lastly, I will offer suggestions on how to combat the challenges of sizeism within mainstream vegan rhetoric in the USA._________________________
Break 12:00 PM PST
12:25 PM PST
Presentation Title: Cosmetic Marginalization: Status, Access and Vegan Beauty Lessons from our Foremothers
Pilar Harris
Pilar in Motion (pilarinmotion.com)
Length: 30 minutes (20 minute presentation; 10 minute Q&A)
Abstract: The terms ‘Vegan’ and ‘Cruelty Free’ are labels that help lend integrity to commercially produced cosmetics. Yet these labels may also be used for marketing purposes, particularly in campaigns not created with black identified women as the intended target consumer. Although the internet has largely transformed access to cosmetic products labeled ‘Vegan’, there exists a degree of status and exclusivity in terms of the price point and distribution of these products, so that many black identified women remain marginalized. These products include body care, makeup and feminine hygiene items, the things we use daily and that are closer to our bodies than the clothing we wear. One option in taking a stance against cosmetic marginalization is to extract from our histories (personal, cultural and otherwise) the beauty lessons that were intended to nourish, protect and cleanse our bodies long before they could be known as ‘Vegan’.____________________________________________
1:00 PM PST
Open Discussion: “Why I Relinquished the Gospel Bird and Became a Vegan”: Girls and Women of African Descent Share Their Reasons for Choosing Veganism
Length: 45 minutes
During this hour long moderated and open discussion, Black girls and women will share their reasons for choosing veganism. If you would like to participate, email sistahvegan (at) gmail (dot) com to secure your space to speak. Space is limited to about 8 storytellers. You will have about 5-7 minutes to share your journey.____________________________________________
1:50 PM PST
Keynote Talk : "Midwifery, Medicine and Baby Food Politics: Underground Feminisms and Indigenous Plant-based Foodways and Nutrition"
Length: 35 minutes (25 minute talk, 15 minute Q and A)
Claudia Serrato
University of Washington
Doctoral Student of Sociocultural Anthropology
During this decolonial era, Indigenous midwifery in East Los Angeles despite the several attempts to dismantle this ancestral practice along with their Indigenous plant based nutritional advice thrives as the alterNative to biomedicine. The Indigenous foodways and nutritional ways of knowing guided by these midwives is critical in restoring or decolonizing pregnancy, birthing, feeding experiences and most importantly health. In placing the decolonial present into perspective, a herstoricalfeminist narrative of early Los Angeles, midwifery, medicine, law, and the baby food industry discloses a critical dimension of the colonial matrix of power, which has neglectedly been overlooked in determining changes in diet, health, and birthing. In recovering Indigenous foodways and nutrition, underground feminist practices in the urban ethnoscape of Los Angeles restores womb and taste healing memories.____________________________________________
2:30 PM PST
Presentation Title: Constructing a Resource Beyond Parenting as a Black Vegan: Discussing Geography and Theology and Their Contradictions Within
Candace M. Laughinghouse
Regent University, PhD Candidate (Theology of Animals)
Length: 30 minutes (20 minute presentation; 10 minute Q&A)
3:05 PM PST
Panel Discussion: Yoga for the Stress Free Soul Sista
And Radical Self-Care Teaching: Exploring Privilege in Yoga & Veganism for Girls of Color
with Sari Leigh
Anacostia Yogi www.anacostiayogi.com
Kayla Bitten
Length: 50 minutes (40 minute discussion; 10 minutes Q&A)
Break 4:00 pm PST
4:20 PM PST
Open Discussion: Reflections on the Sistah Vegan Anthology
Moderator: Dr. A. Breeze Harper (tenative)
Length: 35 minutes
5:00 PM PST
End of Conference Keynote Address:
Is Black Decolonization Possible in a Moral Economy of Neoliberal Whiteness? How USA Black Vegan Liberation Rhetoric Often Perpetuates Tenets of Colonial Whiteness
Dr. A. Breeze Harper
Research Fellow
Department of Human Ecology, Community and Regional Development
University of California Davis
Length: 60 minutes (45 minute presentation; 15 minute Q&A)
Registration Fee for Live Conference is: $45.00; $22.50 if you want to view the recordings after the conference has taken place
I ask for a registration fee to pay speakers, pay for webinar service, and also to fund the Sistah Vegan project to become a non-profit organization. Go here to learn more about that.