Online Syllabus

Assignments and Criteria

Articles and websites

Lesson One

Lesson Two

Lesson Three

Lesson Four

Lesson Five

Lesson Six

Lesson Seven

Lesson Eight

Lesson Nine


Lesson Five


Class 3 is going to focus much on Microsoft Word proficiency.


In order to gain typing experiences, word processing experience and mouse skills, students will engage in a personal writing project called the Autobiography. Students will be asked to:

  • write about themselves
  • their interests and hobbies
  • why they enrolled into the FCLP
  • what they hope to achieve in the FCLP

Students have the opportunity to write the autobiography in the language they feel comfortable with. One or two autobiographies are published in the CCTV Quarterly Newsletter. Personal stories of achievement are very inspirational for the community. An adult who may feel intimidated about starting a basic computer skills course could read a student's autobiography and see that this FCLP student was able to achieve their goals. The read of this article may connect with this student because they both may have the same experience and apprehension when it came to learning how to use a computer. Autobiographies can be inspirational and encourage others to become proactive in achieving their goals.


Many students do not feel comfortable with writing about certain aspects of their lives. Others simply don't enjoy writing. It will be your job to encourage them to write comfortably about their experiences. Let them know that they do no have to tell every private aspect of their lives. They can talk about any aspect of their lives. Your job is to motivate them to write which involves typing and using Microsoft Word. The more they practice typing on this word processing application, the better they will become at it. Ultimately, the goal is to get them to use computer technology to:

  • EXPRESS themselves
  • Become proficient at word processing.